"A Long Drink of Silence" Opens in San Francisco on April 4

We are thrilled to announce that two weeks from today (April 4th), the play will begin a six week run at The Shelton Theater here in San Francisco.
Today however, I write to you about the state of Tennessee. That's where Jill was born and raised. It's also where the action unfolds in her fine new solo comedy. Which is why the producers of "A Long Drink of Silence" have decided to offer special ticket prices to anyone in the Bay Area who has a connection to Tennessee and can meet the qualifying standards. There are such people in the Bay Area. This is for them.

Tickets for all performances of, "A Long Drink of Silence" are $15 each. That hasn't changed. It's the same for everyone.

Excepting senior citizens and students of course. Then, OK, their tickets are only $13. Otherwise, like we said, tickets are $15.

OR IF YOU HAVE A TENNESSEE CONNECTION. Then we're working with a whole new paradigm and here's how things change:

General Admission:    $15

Student/Senior Rate:    $13

If you've ever lived in Tennessee: $12

If you've ever passed through Tennessee: $11

If you've ever heard of Tennessee: $10

Good deal huh? Below, I've included more info about this fine show.

Any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Bruce Pachtman

A Long Drink of Silence

"Jackson is raw, warm, manic, vulnerable and open."
- Coast Weekly

"What Jill Jackson does is make you want more.
More of her resilience, more of her spirit, more from yourself."
- The Monterey Herald

In her one woman show, A Long Drink of Silence, Jill Jackson takes on the lessons life has taught her, from her search for fame in New York City to her years in a Connecticut Ashram to her mother's yogi-like death from cancer to the devotion of her pet snake Evie ("One of those teachers who comes into your life at just the right time"). But as revealing, as insightful, as gut-achingly funny as these stories are, it is Jackson's delivery that makes her play rise above the level of most solo shows. From the first moments you are with her, you recognize that here is a talent, even a friend, to treasure for life.

Jackson's style can best be described as the love child of David Sedaris and Lily Tomlin. While living in New York during the early '70's, Jill found herself trapped in the vestibule of her apartment building with a desperate mugger. Not finding money in her purse or her pockets, the mugger thrust his hands down the front of her shirt, looking for hidden cash. Unable to contain her own sense of humor, the inimitable Jackson laughed and said, "Honey, I don't have anything down there, much less money." It was only after he gave up and left that Jackson realized laughing in the face of a mugger might not have been the safest choice at the moment.

Join Jill Jackson for the full version of these stories and many others as she presents her one woman show while decoding the secret meaning of A Long Drink of Silence.

A Long Drink of Silence is recommended for adults and children over the age of 12.

The Shelton Theater
533 Sutter Street (close to Union Square)
San Francisco

April 4 - May 11
Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00
Sundays at 3:00


Bruce Pachtman

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